Common Air Conditioning Misconceptions
Air ConditioningThe time is coming when you’ll be getting very well-acquainted with your air conditioning unit, if you’re not already. This is a relationship you’ll want to keep under control, because things could heat up very quickly if you let it get out of control. Much like any relationship, it’s important to know the ins and outs of your air conditioning unit, which buttons to push and which not to push, and also you’ll want to know the truth about the unit.
In our experience, we’ve seen that air conditioning units are often misunderstood, neglected and not put in a position to reach their full potential. Our goal today is to help you not make those same mistakes. Here are 7 common misconceptions about air conditioning units that you’ll need to know going into the summer months.
- Maintenance Doesn’t Matter
Yes it does. Preventative maintenance can help make sure that your unit doesn’t suffer a breakdown on the hottest day of the year. This upkeep can prevent expensive repairs down the road and gives you peace of mind going into the summer months. You can read more about why Charlotte homeowners should schedule preventative maintenance checks on their heating and cooling systems two times a year by clicking here.
- Size Doesn’t Matter
One size does not fit all when it comes to air conditioning units. If your air conditioning unit is too small for your large Charlotte home, then it will have to work overtime to cool your home, shortening its lifespan. However, the reverse is true too. If your heating and cooling system is too large for your home, it will continue to turn on and off, resulting in a breakdown. It’s best to consult the professionals and find the right product for your home.
- Timing Doesn’t Matter
Timing is everything my friends, and relationships take time- especially your relationship with your air conditioning unit. You may have just come in off of the beautiful Lake Norman after a hot summer day on the boat and you want your home to cool down as fast as possible. Whether you turn the temperature down 5 degrees or 50 degrees, it’s going to cool down at the same pace. Give it time.
P.S. It may be a smart investment to consider a programmable thermostat so that you can set your air conditioning unit to start cooling down 30 minutes before you get home. Give us a call if you’d like to talk more about smart thermostats!
- Air Filters Don’t Matter
The air filter in your air conditioning unit should be replaced at least once every 3 months. These filters help to catch the dirt, dust, pet dander, allergens and other microbial bacteria that are floating through the air. It’s also important to make sure that you’re using an air filter that not only catches the dust and grime but also allows air to flow freely. Otherwise, you’ll overwork your air conditioning unit and shorten its life span. Call the expert HVAC technicians at NuBlue Plumbing and Air to find an air filter that works for your home.
- Expiration Dates Don’t Matter
We understand that it can be hard to say goodbye, but sometimes that’s the best thing to do. If your air conditioning unit is long past its life span, you could be overpaying on your energy bill and causing more harm than good. Investing in a new air conditioning unit will seem like a bigger financial investment at first, but we guarantee you’ll be saving in the long run. Call our team today and let’s install a new air conditioning system for your home!
- Thermostat Location Doesn’t Matter
It may seem like a small thing, but it’s best practice to install your thermostat on an interior wall and avoid any direct sunlight from windows, doorways and skylights. If your thermostat is in the right place, it can help your home be more energy efficient according to the U.S. Department of Energy.
- Cost is All That Matters
When purchasing a new air conditioning system, there are several factors to consider. It’s important to find one that’s the right size for your home, that has a lifespan suited for your needs, that is within your budget, and can keep you comfortable in your home. Talk to one of NuBlue Plumbing and Air’s expert technicians to find the right unit for your unique needs.
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