What is Ghost Electricity and How to Prevent It
If there is a Friday the 13th movie marathon happening, the grocery store aisles are full of candy and a new Halloween Spirit store just opened down the street, it can only mean one thing— it’s officially spooky season.
But the ghoulish costumes and ghost stories told around the bonfire aren’t the only things that will haunt you this year. In reality, the scariest thing of all is lurking unseen, unknown and unidentified in your home— it’s ghost electricity.
What Is Ghost Electricity?
Ghost electricity can haunt you all year long and you won’t even know it’s happening until your electric bill gives you a fright. But don’t worry, NuBlue is here with some steps to fight back against the ghost that is running wild in your home.
First, it’s important to understand what ghost electricity is. You may know it by another name, i.e. vampire power, phantom power or idle current, but it still poses the same haunting effect on your electricity bill. Ghost electricity gets its power when unused devices are left plugged into your outlets drawing power 24 hours a day, which in turn adds up over time and contributes to a higher energy bill.
Studies have found that ghost electricity can make up nearly 20% of all residential energy consumption, but the good news is that you don’t need to call the Ghostbusters to catch this ghoulish fiend.
Don’t Get Spooked— Here Are NuBlue’s Tips To Prevent Ghost Electricity
The simplest way to rid your home of ghost electricity is to unplug any of the appliances you aren’t using. Take a walk through your house, unplugging as you go and pay particular attention to things like your toaster, blender, or phone chargers that you aren’t using. All of these devices are drawing power unless they are completely turned off or unplugged.
As you go through your house, watch out for appliances like your printer or computer that have stand-by mode options. Although you might not think that these appliances are costing you precious dollars, they are some of the greatest ghost electricity offenders. Be sure to turn these devices all the way off or unplug them when not in use in order to avoid any ghost electricity fees.
Finally, you may want to invest in a smart strip. These are similar to a regular power strip but they prevent the flow of electricity when not in use, therefore, saving you from ghost electricity. Smart strips are ideal for larger appliances like your TV system, DVD payers, video game consoles and larger devices that you may not want to constantly unplug.
If the thought of ghost electricity gives you a chill, take a look around your home and unplug its power source. Maybe this has made you wonder what other ways you can save on your energy bill and make your home more energy-efficient; if that’s the case, give the team at NuBlue a call today to set up your energy-saving consultation.
During the energy-saving consultation, one of our expert electricians will come out to your home and do a complete energy audit, investigating ways that you can save on your home’s energy bill, improve your comfort and ensure your appliances are performing at their optimal point.
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